Wednesday, January 11, 2006

An observation...

Things are going well. I've only done half the morning so far, but I've made three pages of notes. I can't see this lasting - it's going to settle down a little. I'm just taking note of every single thing that happens in the classroom at the moment. I'll give you some examples when I have a bit more time, but recess is about to finish, and I'm going to have to rush this somewhat. It's been fun so far though, and the class teacher is being really helpful. We get on well anyway, so that's a good start.

On a slightly different subject, Sgt Steve made comments on a few of my recent posts. For those of you that are new to this blog, or haven't read it in a while, or don't read the comments, he posed a question:
Hey Question to everyone, when I read mark blog I pretend as if Mark is reading it to me so I get the proper english accent and the mark twist put on it. Is it just me who does that????
What do you guys think? Is it just Steve, or is it across the board. I have it in good faith that Bethany does the same. She told me herself.

I look real smart today. Normally I wear sneakers to work, with a t-shirt and hoodie, and phat cords. But today, as I'm in mainstream class, and not crawling round on the floor, I'm in shirt and tie (!), a nice sweater (thanks Mom and Dad) nice pinstripe pants, and smart brown shoes (thanks Bethany for shopping with me). Man, I look good. I mean really good. Hey, everyone, come see how good I look! I think I'll get a picture taken, and post it on here. Nobody will believe me otherwise...

1 comment:

beth said...

hahahah, great reference to Anchorman. You school Ron burgundy, though. You're a teacher! Yipee!