Monday, July 28, 2008

the best man

What do you do when some of your best friends get married and throw a fabulous party? Eat, drink, and dance dance dance, baby!

What do you do when your husband gets punched in the crotch? hmmmmmmmmmmmm......

Monday, July 21, 2008

an open house, and shouting clouds ...

"You're a mystery like poetry like a parable a rhyme or a riddle
You're a mystery wrapped in clouds shouting so loud
just waiting to be discovered
You're a mystery intriguing You're a mystery so inviting"
- Misty Edwards, Mystery

"Jesus resumed talking to the people, but now tenderly.
'The Father has given me all these things to do and say. This is a unique Father-Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge. No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does. But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen.'"
Matthew 11:27 MSG

This made me cry.

I do need it, Love, broken down line by line ... all the time.

Jesus, crucified, buried, raised...the ultimate invitation.
Could the Father say any more clearly that He wants to be known?

He asks us to His house, and gives us a key to His door.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

splish splash

It's getting hot outside. Now, we don't have air conditioning in our 19th floor apartment (which isn't torture), but we do like to take a dip in the outdoor pool during the particularly scorching hours of the day. While the pool is delightfully refreshing, the beach is all the more...summer-ish.
Lying on the beach reminds me of being on holiday, and is almost more relaxing because of it - yes, purely psychological. also reminds me of Baywatch. Oh, that rugged David Hasslehoff...

Anyway, many people joke about Lake Ontario being so badly polluted that you come out of it with a third eye, an extra arm, a number of skin diseases, multiple personalities, etc.
The truth is that a lot of beaches in Toronto on the shores of good ol' Lake Ontario are indeed Blue Flag Certified. They are more than fine to swim in.
You'll read on the website about the high international standards that beaches must meet to receive blue flag status.
Toronto is a whole lot cleaner and eco-friendly than a lot of people think or have 'heard'.
Visit and have a peek. Happy swimming!

Oh, and wear your sunscreen!!!!!!!! Especially if you have tattoos or scars...ta ta!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Happy Canada Day, everyone!
Hope you get a chance to sing the anthem and take in some fireworks somewhere tonight.
We thought it was appropriate to take Adelaide to one of the wonders of the world that just so happens to be pretty much in our backyard...Niagra Falls! She seemed to like the gift shop the best and looked at us funny as we ooed and awed over the loud, lively, rushing water. One day she might think it is majestic and beautiful, but for now her toys are much more interesting.