Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Get on with it...

So, this morning I begin my course proper. I've been doing some paperwork and stuff towards it, but I haven't yet begun observing lessons. Until now. I was supposed to be in a mainstream class observing what goes on all day Monday (which is why Mr. Mullet was taking my place), but the class teacher that I will be with was off sick. She's back today, so I can go ahead and start watching what she does. This is a very important part of my course, particularly in the beginning, because it enables me to gain some hints and tips on classroom management, and lesson structure. It also helps me, because I make notes on what I see, and these go towards my evidence file, which is what will eventually be assessed to see if I should be given QTS (Qualified Teacher Status).

I'm off to the classroom now. I'll let you know how it goes...

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