Saturday, January 21, 2006

Nothing changes...

It doesn't matter how many times I come back to Lincoln, it's always the same. My Best Man, James, is back for the weekend from London, so I too made the journey across into England's equivalent of Hicksville. As I could have predicted, James and Sujee, despite announcing that they would 'definately be there by 11' didn't turn up until midnight. Any normal people would have seen this as a good chance to have a few minutes catching up, before going to bed. But we were in Lincoln. At Damien's house. So, at quarter past twelve, we strode out of the house, and towards any pub that would still serve us beer. We didn't get in until quarter to four. Ah, a good time was had by all though. We went to Dogma, where I bumped into a good friend that I haven't seen for ages. Damo bought the drinks, and we sat in the corner and laughed until we cried. I haven't laughed that much in ages...

Before any of that could happen, though, I had to go to college. My second day back in university, and it was dreadful. The week before had just been an introduction to the English section of the course, so it was fairly general. But yesterday proved that our lecturer for the subject is pretty terrible. I just thought that our class was very sedate, but when the other group came to join us in the afternoon, I discovered that the problem lay with her. She just stands at the front and talks for two hours. If you try to make a contribution, she will shout you down and belittle you. It was pretty awful.

I never expected to enjoy the college part of the course as much as the being in school; one of the reasons that I love the idea of taking this route into teaching is that I get really hands on experience, and learn through doing the job. I'd rather not be sat in a room, listening to someone talk to me about it. It's interesting that, as a teacher, she demonstrates none of the good practice that she teaches us about. Remind me to do my best to avoid falling into that trap. Things will lighten up, I'm sure. Two more weeks of this, and then we're onto another subject, with a different tutor. And I'm still learning something, so all is not lost.

On my way over to Lincoln, I have to go through my home town of Worksop. I gave my sister a call, to tell her that I was going to stop off at McDonald's for a bite to eat when I got there. It turned out that she and her boyfriend were heading there at the same time as me on their way to his house, so we rocked up at the same time. We spent about an hour and a half, just talking and being silly. And laughing a lot, actually. Last night was a good night for laughing. We talked about our jobs, and had a great time. It was an unexpected bonus of the weekend. And it's only just begun. It's Saturday morning, I'm in Lincoln, and it's a beautiful day. I'm going to head into town with James soon, go meet some more old friends and have coffee. Then back home to Leeds, where I will practice with the band, and follow it up with a visit to my friend's birthday party. Good times. All this, and more, to come, when we play I don't have to work weekends any more...


Jake-M said...

Wow, I am truly impressed. You were out until after 4:00 in the morning, and you are up in the a.m. on Saturday. That's definately a feat.

I too was up very late having a fine time with friends last night. Mel, Linda, Ben K, and a bunch of piercing and tatoo freaks from Texas raided a Boston Pizza until 1:30a.m., then I drove some folks home and we sat talking in the car until 2:30.

Friends are so freaking cool man. I love the fact that you will live here full-on one day soon.

Anonymous said...

Mark, notice how your camera, unlike most, projects not a flash but a LASER DIRECTLY INTO MY EYES. Luckily, I happened to be drunk at the time. I spent the next night in a jazz bar on a light up sofa (like the pavement in Billie Jean) making fun of a band. Then I ate more bad chicken and went home to sleep under the ironing board again.

Duck, Goose and Fancy Gee.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Mark

Just perusing your website and low and behold there's a picture of me-being temporarily blinded by your telephone machine. Dont remember that exact moment myself, thats likely to be because of the heavy drinking that was taking place.
Well i best get back to work.
Until next time

D and G - Goose down syndrome (courtesy of the J man)