Monday, January 16, 2006

Suited and booted...

And ready for another day in mainstream classes. I got even more dressed up today, and have gone with the full suit for maximum smartness. Even though all I'm likely to do is sit and make notes on what happens in class. College was good on Friday, but I have to be honest; I didn't learn an awful lot. It was pretty much a day of introduction onto the course, and it was a good chance for the tutor to get an idea of how much experience we had. As a result, we talked a lot about what we already knew, but it will provide a good foundation for what we're about to learn. It was rather odd to be back on the other side of a desk, listening to someone else talk, and making notes. I had a brief moment where I actually had to consider the possiblity that the past 18 months had not taken place at all, and I had been at university the whole time, but common sense prevailed.

Right, I know this was a short post, but I need to go make my presence known in class. Perhaps I'll be desperately needed for something this morning. Otherwise, I'll just watch what happens, and let you know of anything exciting. I knwo that the kids are going to do PE this morning; I intend to come to the computer and do some work here instead of running around. Catch you later...

1 comment:

beth said...

your poper brown retro suit?

that's some severe hotness...