Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What the Butcher saw...

I came in from work last night to find Butch watching one of my favourite films, City of God. I saw it in the theatres when it came out, and then didn't watch it for years, despite the fact that I received it for my birthday on DVD. I finally got round to viewing it again on new year's day, very early in the morning, when I was waiting to go to the airport to fly back to England. Bethany was supposed to watch it with me, but she fell asleep. Despite the fact that I was incredibly tired, and watching it on a 7" portable DVD screen, I was once again wowed by the cinematography, incredible acting, and the harsh reality of the violence. The plot's pretty good too.

I was very pleased then, having been exposed to it again last night, to find that my very good friend James had written a review of it for digital-coffee.com. You can read the review here.

In other news, I went for a run last night. That's right, a run. I'm swimming tonight too. It's all part of a new initiative to get me in shape for my wedding. I know that there's a year to go yet, but trust me; the baggy sweaters do a great job of concealing a lot of extra weight that I shouldn't really be carrying. It's not the only change to my lifestyle either. But more on that later. Right now, I'm going to go have my lunch in a classroom. Then go for a swim. Then maybe I'll watch City of God again...


beth said...

oh, just barf after meals...

We'll be so buff for our wedding :)

and I STILL want to see that movie! I hate all-nighters...I never succeed. poo.

Andrew G said...

dude... you and me both... except i don't dig the baggy sweaters... i just let it hang out...
oh... and... i don't have a wedding to get fit for... um

i'm off to eat a tub of chocolate ice cream