Saturday, January 14, 2006

NEW FOR 2006!

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while now. We're compiling a list of things that are hot this year. Here's what we have so far:

Eating blue cheese - Blue cheese is awesome. Be it blue Stilton, Danish blue, blue brie, double Gloucester blue, Shropshire blue, or one of the many other fantastic mouldy cheeses, spread it on your crackers, your bread, your bagels; eat it in chunks or wedges; enjoy it with a spot of port or even just a glass of water. Blue cheese is great, and everybody's eating it.

Contradictions - that's right; everyone who's anyone is contradicting themself this year. Check out this lovely little excerpt from confetti's little book The Groom's Wedding. This very useful book tells you all the things you need to know to be the groom at a wedding. So, with reference to how to stand out at your wedding by your choice of clothes:
'If you're looking for something really different, the frockcoat is a popular choice.'
I don't think that we need to say anything else about that.

Teenagers whispering in shopping malls - This is going to be huge this year, trust me. They're everywhere. Blocking doorways, sitting on steps, hanging out outside washrooms. The list goes on. Whispering conspiritorially. Perhaps they're plotting something, I'm not sure. All I know is that everywhere you look in a shopping mall there's groups of kids whispering to each other. It's what all the cool kids are doing.

Alliteration - loads of literate lunatics all over the land are letting loose lots of like letters. If you're not constructing sentences overflowing with this poetic tool, then you're nobody in the literate world this year.

So, the list isn't exhaustive by any means, but it is in place. Observe it, learn from it, live by it, and you'll be cool.

Another possible entry for the list is blogging in England. I know that it's been very popular over in Canada for ages now, and some people over here caught wind very quickly. But it seems to me that lots of people that I know have just suddenly got their own blog. The pick of the bunch is this one. Steve Darke, front man of the wonderful Band Club, and station manager at Leeds Student Radio let's loose his opinions on pretty much everything (with an emphasis on music). Beware, some of the language is a little choice, but the blog is fantastic. I like it so much that I'm putting a permanent link to it on my sidebar...

In other news, my housemate, Butch, fell out of the shower the other day (he informed me last night). He was, apparently, performing a particularly vigorous rendition of the Christian classic, Lord I Lift Your Name on High, with actions, when it all got a bit to much for the space he was in; he tripped over the side of the bath, and ended up sprawled all over the washroom floor. Superb work, Mr Butch.

College was great yesterday, but I think that this post has been long enough for most people to digest. I'll let you know more about the course and what happened yesterday next week. Have a great weekend, guys...

1 comment:

beth said...

totally trippin' trends, tandy.
I'll be rebellious and conform to them. Come over so I can whisper to you in the mall.
Hurry, I need to be COOL... :)