Thursday, August 05, 2004

Where is the line?

Where do you cross over from being a regular internet user to being a complete geek? Have I made the transition? I check and send emails at least twice a day, I spend hours surfing the web to find good designs for pages, I blog on an (almost) daily basis, I have designed and built a website and I get excited about learning new bits of useful HTML.

Am I a geek? Answers on a postcard please (well, on my comment page, actually)...


beth said...

Haha, no, not a geek. And if you were it would be because you wear suspenders, carry a Power Rangers lunch box, and snort when you laugh. Oops, I may have revealed your true colours to some unsuspecting fans. Uh...yeah, Mark's cool guys...honest! *gulp*

from: a fellow geekburger

Linda Hope said...

Geek?...hmmm are you asking for the "honest" answer??

J/ rock!!