Saturday, August 28, 2004

Hi, I'm an actor, and I can project without hurting my throat...

Well, not quite, but one of my friends is. Had some buddies over last night for tasty food and songwriting fun. We started writing a song about being an actor. It's pretty stupid, but I think that it's going to be just the sort of thing that we can pull off with the band. For more news on The Salvator Darlings, and to get the lyrics to this song when they're posted, to download some of our songs, and to see pictures and all the rest of it, simply click here.

This morning was wierd. I've been working on Saturdays since I was 13, and anytime that I didn't work on a Saturday, there was a very good reason for it, i.e. I had to go to a wedding, or there was some need for me to go visit my parents, or I was properly on holiday, you know the sort of thing. Well, this morning, I got up, and I didn't have to go to work. Neither did I have to pack a suitcase, or a bag, and go and do something important. I have Saturday off, because I DON'T WORK ON SATURDAYS ANYMORE. It's brilliant, and I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.

So, plan of action for the day - I have to go buy a couple of things, then I'm going to do some studying for my exam next week, before doing absolutely nothing this evening. That sounds more and more fun by the minute...

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