Monday, August 23, 2004

A good day...

I only have two more days left at starbucks! I went to work today, and I thought that I was finishing at ten this evening. When I arrived, I looked at the board that we have in the back that tells you who's working what shift that day, and it said that due to a deep clean of the store, we were closing at seven... Nothing could spoil that!

In addition, my crazy boss has tomorrow and Wednesday off, so today was my last day working under her regime..

I have only 8 days left until my resit exam now, and I'm working pretty hard on the revision for it. It's pretty interesting stuff - English and American detective fiction. But to be honest, when you hear nothing but crime fiction from the books you're reading, and your parents, for three months, it gets a bit tiresome. I think I'd be ready to commit some sort of hard-boiled crime on Raymond Chandler if I could meet him right now. Of course, that's not really possible, what with him being dead and all...

Finally finished the movie for my sister's birthday video today. It's a detective movie (I told you, I can't escape this ridiculous genre..) It's the third year that we've done it, and this year, as it was her 21st, we thought that we might even go so far as to have some sort of plot. It essentially focuses on the idea of claiming that her boyfriend is a sucky cop, which he isn't. It's shoddily made, the scripting is almost non-existent, bits of the story are missing, the camera work is horribly shaky, and the editing was done entirely by pressing pause and record on a vcr.

Right, back to the grind - today has been so good that not even a good hour's detective fiction before I go to bed can ruin it...

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