Sunday, August 15, 2004


What's up y'all? So, I just got one of those forwarded emails. The kind that I usually delete without reading at all; but this one was from someone who never sends me stuff like that, so I decided to read it. It turned out to feature a story about a movie, the plot of which revolves around the idea that Jesus and the disciples were gay. It claimed that the movie was based on a play of the same name: 'Corpus Christi', meaning 'The Christ Body', and it urged readers to sign the petition at the bottom, and forward it to all their friends. I decided to investigate this futher, as it seemed the sort of thing that might be possible. In doing so, I found this fantastic website, Truth or Fiction.

Sure enough, a read through of the site showed that it was a hoax. It seems that there is a play of that name, which features a theme based on the idea that Jesus was gay, but the name comes from the main character's home town of Corpus Christi. Not only this, but the email had claimed that the movie was due to be released later this year, and the website I checked had the last update on the rumour as sometime in 2001.

Don't get me wrong, if the story was true, I'd have signed the petition. But it's not true, and my already almost non existent faith in forwarded emails has finally breathed its last. Sad really. Never mind, I guess if another suspicious looking story turns up in my inbox, I know where to check it out now...

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