Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Feeling old

My sister turned 21 today. That makes me feel very old indeed. My relatives all joined us for a meal, and I saw my cousin, who has suddenly, it seems become tall and very 15 years old. I'm sure he wasn't that big last time I saw him. Uh oh... Hasn't he grown and all that:

"I'm getting old Mike"
"We're all getting old Timmy, well, except my cousin."
"What's so special about him?"
"He's actually getting younger."
"Bastard. What are we going to do?"
"There's nothing we can do. The government knows, they're keeping it hush hush."
"Not about your cousin, you cretin, about us!"

I think that Spaced says it better than I ever could. Well, maybe not exactly what I was trying to say, but funny nonetheless. Props to my homeboy the Fresh Pegg...

I'm back in Leeds now, after an exhausting couple of days. I'm supposed to be at work tomorrow, but I'm not feeling well, so I called in sick. Guess I'll sleep late, do some uni work, and get some rest. I've got a big weekend ahead again. More news will follow, in the meantime, check The Salvator Darlings website for some new photos of the band, and email me with your thoughts/musings/anything else you want to tell me about. Over and out...

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