Wednesday, November 08, 2006


'Sometimes there is no language, no language but a cry.
Sometimes there is no language, no language but a groan...'

Jason Upton

do you ever feel like this?

After spending time with an old friend today, I realized how
the poverty and sickness in this city overwhelms my heart-
until there are not even tears...
just deep, angry, determined groans.

If anyone is interested in an eye-opener, there is an organization I'm beginning to be more involved with through OCAD that do 'street walks'. Basically, safely exploring various areas of Toronto after dark. Giving students that want to make a difference a new perspective on Toronto...because as you know there is so much need RIGHT HERE!
Ahhhhhh, thank God there is hope. Oodles and oodles of hope sweet hope.

until next time, :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Beth-

it's great that you really have a heart for this-being involved in the InterVarsity group here at Laurier has really shown me that the gospel is very much a social gospel, whether people are afraid of that term or not.

So you're idea is definitely a good start. However I don't think it can be an ending. People don't really need to be looked at as much as they need to be engaged-on an individual/personal level, on a social level, an economic level, on a spiritual level. Safe street walks are perhaps a start, but I want to encourage you that Jesus is calling people out of their conceptions of human "safety" into actually engaging people. I don't mean set yourself up to get mugged or whatever, but actually going up to people, talking to them, asking their name-listening to them. This may seem a bit unrelated, but one of the issues with prophetic evangelism even is that while it's awesome and works so much, sometimes the people being ministered to can be best ministered to by being given a place to speak and express themselves. So definitely a good start-and hey to be blunt TACF needs more Bethany Venturas. But there's so much more where He's coming from.
