'You both want to make the cake, right?'
'Yes,' we both replied.
'Well, why don't you both make one then? You can have a competition to see which is the best. And there'll be more cake for everyone.'
'Good idea,' we said.

There were five catagories on which it was judged: general appearance, taste, chocappealability, height, and how much they looked like the original. Sharon's effort managed 8/10 in the areas of appearance and taste (hers was, apparently, a little dry), whereas I received a very respectable 9/10 for these. I only pulled off 8/10 for height and chocappealability though, where Sharon got 9/10 (she had melted a big bar of chocolate over the top as well). There was only one catagory left, and there was no competition here...

The point of all of this, as well as being to remind you all to shower me with cards, gifts, drinks and cash (or at least some gestures of pleasantness) tomorrow, is to express my feelings of being in this job.
Some of you might remember how unhappy I was at the end in my last job, and how I was told that I was unable to do the job properly.
Here, I am working with people that appreciate me; that encourage my silliness. I'm working in an environment where I am valued, and I love every minute of it. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm moving to Canada in six weeks, I'd be staying at this job. It's brilliant.
It's been a while since I last blogged, and I have a number of other things to talk about, but I'll come back to those later. I think the competition is enough excitement for now. Oh, and the cakes were both delicious. I think I might go have a slice now...
oh yummmmmmmmy! lots of Maltesers...excellent. BUT your Victoria Sponge still takes the prize EVERY time.
3 weeks and three days until we can bake bake bake...
love, your best mate xoxoxo
Those are some impressive cakes!!! I'm gonna have to ask that you bake a cake for me and Lee before you move to Canada.
Or at least teach me how to make a good one so I can make it for Lee and then take all the credit (see, you will be in Canada by this point, and therefore will not be here to recieve such praise)
Just think about it.
I agree with Sarah. In fact, since you already run a "how-to" cooking blog, you should include your impressive cake as a featured recipe.
I, for one, would be thrilled be able to make a dessert of such "volcano-like" proportions.
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