Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Birthday beats...

It's my wonderful fiancee's birthday today. I can't be with her, which is a bit of a nuisance, but she wasn't here on my birthday, so it's fair really. If you haven't already done so, visit her blog and leave her a lovely birthday comment. She deserves it; after all, she is the most fantastic girl in the world...

So, here I am, 3500 miles from my future wife on her birthday; in school. I have to be honest, I'm having a great day. I'm observing in the mainstream class this morning, not teaching at all. I've observed another student teacher do her thing, and she was particularly good. It's funny, because she's on the same course that I left after one semester. I couldn't cope with it. She (and her friend) seems to be doing really well, and it suits her to a tee. I find it fascinating that there are so many teaching courses out there, and that God has seen fit to get me on the one that will train me the best. He really does know what's good for me.

The other thing that we did so far this morning is have a music lesson. Teaching a bunch of 8 year olds to beat drums together but in different rhythms produces some interesting results. You should try it sometime. I think that I will. Just give me my own class...

My house is being redecorated by my ace landlord this week, so hopefully he'll be in when my new motherboard arrives to sign for it. All going to plan, I'll get everything up and running again by tonight, and this blogging thing will no longer be such a hassle. Excellent.

So, happy birthday to my incredible Bethany, thank you to God for getting me to the place I want to be, and goodbye to you lot. We'll talk later, OK?


beth said...

thank you :)

Sgt Steve said...

i taught myself how to play drums, well pots and pans. Mom said I was really good. but somehow I doubt that. Excellent to hear about you loving you career choice. I think its really important to enjoy waht you doing. good things!!

Andrew G said...

I'm glad you're having fun... Your ability to excel with the younglings amazes me. Sometimes I find dealing with pre-pubescents to be horrifying