Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bedtime stories...

Ok, just because Bethany has gone back to Canada doesn't mean I can't have fun. I'm determined to have as much fun as possible for the next five weeks, until I get to go to Toronto and see her again. As a result, I heartily welcomed last night's entertainment. Myself, Tim (pictured), Butch and Ches Dennis got together for a sleepover. That's right. We all got into our pyjamas and sleeping bags in the lounge, and had a sleepover party. Tim had never had one before. I don't know if you have. They're a lot of fun. There was the obligatory moment for one of our evenings where we have a sudden panic that we've completely lost the plot - last night it was when we realised that we were all in our early to mid twenties, and sat round in my lounge in our sleeping bags playing silly little games and drinking fizzy pop at two in the morning. It was great. If you're inspired to have one of your own, here's what we did:

We ate pizza (which we topped ourselves); we ate a lot of cookies and potato chips with dips; we drank a lot of fizzy pop; we watched a silly movie (Wallace and Gromit); we watched a rubbish horror film (Creep); we played a game called consequences; we talked about the girls and boys that we fancied; we played video games; we listened to some of the latest hit records; and, of course, we intended to stay up all night, but instead went to sleep about four am. Lovely stuff. I thoroughly recommend it to you...


beth said...

ah! wish I was there to prank Butch, heehee.

silliness is so important...

love, me

Anonymous said...

if only you had all of your hair...