Monday, October 24, 2005

Head count...

We're going downtown today. We planned it on Saturday, and finalised the idea yesterday. We wanted to get all the stuff that I need to do downtown finished early in the week so that we're not rushing to do it later. We decided to leave by nine am so that we got there and had as long as we wanted. It's now ten after ten, and Bethany is just BRUSHING HER TEETH.

Last night we went to Walt's. Well, it's a Boston Pizza now, but it SHOULD be Walt's. It didn't even make me think I was in Boston. There was one Boston Bruins hockey jersey on the wall, and nothing else remotely connected to that city. Show me a picture of Frasier Krane, or Sam Malone, or any other member of the cast of Cheers, and I'll immediately bring Boston to mind. But this place did non of that. The staff were friendly and we had a good time, but it just wasn't Walt's. That place has a lot of good memories for me.

I found a manakin's head in my suitcase this morning. Bethany and her HILARIOUS sister put it there when I was in the shower. It didn't scare me though. How many manakins have YOU found today? I anticipate on seeing a lot more, as I'm heading downtown soon. Although that could never happen now - Bethany just called my mom, and they could be talking for HOURS...


Anonymous said...

mr hardy...congrats. punch bethany in the face for me. mr littler.

beth said...

rob littler, you chotchface. this is bethany talking to you from afar. guess what present we got you? we got you a massive plastic glo-in-the-dark knife thing. this is just a taste of what i'll chase you with next visit. your head is mine pretty boy.

Yo What's up mo fo? I took over as I'd punched the B Vent in the face and she couldn't see to type. I'm going to go throw her in the trunk of the car I just rented now. Maybe I'll throw her in Lake Ontario. love you, bro. Mark.