Tuesday, December 28, 2010


As many of you know, the precious boy that we have worked with for two years passed away at the end of October. It was sudden. It was devastating.

I won't go into how much his soul, his smile, and his family meant to us. I will say that through this experience we have learned a lot about family and about grieving together.
His mother, someone we both admire, expresses herself ever so eloquently on this blog:
The latest post is about how her other son (born two years after Owen) has found support at school...from his teacher and classmates. It is so beautiful that after wiping away tears I had to share it here. Children, in their innocence, can be enormous pillars of strength when given the chance. They amaze me.

At the funeral, I learned something else. I learned that Owen's name meant "warrior".
Of course it did.

I miss you, Owen.

1 comment:

mark said...

I miss him too.