Sunday, April 17, 2005


So, I'm going to write word for word what I read in Rachel O'Dywer's blog today, because I couldn't put it any better myself...

False Economy

It's somewhat depressing that a McDonalds meal costs less now than it did when I was born in 1981.

I too find that slightly depressing. Hmmm. Check out her blog, by the way, she has a lot of fairly amusing things to say.

Also, I'm going to steal Jeremy Wright's subject matter from his blog of Friday, because I found this rather amusing. I took this test, to find out what kind of American English I speak. To be fair, like Jeremy, I have to admit that I couldn't always answer accurately, because I use Anglicised phrases for some things. Still, it's pretty funny, and you should have a go yourself:

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

20% Yankee

15% Dixie

5% Midwestern

5% Upper Midwestern

20% Yankee, eh?


Jake-M said...

Mark, you Yanks are all the same. But then again, they say that you are what you eat. So maybe your a toasty, not a Yank after all. 47 days and I will be in your car again. I am soooooo pumped. I wish it were tomorrow.

mark said...

Dude, it's going to be the best. and I have a bigger car now too!

beth said...

AH! No fair no fair no fair...
JAKE! I'll trade you your plane ticket for something really cool!
Come on, good ol' tradsies...

