Sunday, January 16, 2005


I was going to blog, then I got distracted, and now I don't really feel in the mood for it. I hate when that happens. I had a bit of time set aside for doing it, and now I don't really have anything else to do with that time...

I've also just realised how much of a Bethany thing to do it was to write hmph in a blog. Expressions of frustration.


beth said...

Meh, it happens... *yawn*. Arg, I'm tired too.

I'm rubbing off on you, sucker! Your hair is slowly getting more curly and your laughing at almost everything! YES! I'm that much closer to ruling the the world!


Sgt Steve said...

How do you pronounce Hmph? is the ph sound like an F which would make it a hm with an f sound on the end? Just curious to know. I understand how to pronounce ones like arg, hmm, ugh, aww, and what was the one for the clearing your throat noise again, I forgot. what would the word version be for the noise that Napoleon Daynamite makes, hhhhh, or phaaa. oi thats tought.

Jake-M said...

Steve, Hmph is an irregular verb-noise in the english language (not to be mistaken for the British language, which makes no sense). In the irregular verb-noise "Hmph" the P serves two purposes. The Hm is pronounced as you would expect, like hmmmmmmm only shorter. The PH has the f sound you would expect, but the P doubles as a P sound first, making a P-Ph, or PF. Alternate spellings of Hmph include Hmpf, Hmpth, and Psyscegy.