"In nothing is the English genius for domesticity more notably declared than in the institution of afternoon tea."
- George Gissing
The dainty tea pots you see before you are three new additions to my collection (yesterday I decided that these + my other two = the baby stages of a colletion, non?).
So these gorgeous gifts were from three separate gals all within ONE WEEK and I think they're ace. Ok, how cute is that elephant?!
Mark, the English gentleman that he is, also gave me an adorable tea book for my birthday.
It's called, 'The Art of Taking Tea' by Kim Waller.
The book has a few tips for putting a formal shine on your tea time...whatever time of day that might be. The author suggests that one should aquire:
- creamer and sugar duo
- strainer to place over the cup for the loose tea leaves or lemon seeds
- sugar tongs and lemon forks
- tea caddies
- teaspoons : preferably with your first or last name initial engraved
This book has pictures. Pretty ones. Not everything matches, either, which I like.
Waller suggests to put tea cups and saucers together by form and colour themes.
To me this means keep an eye out for cool finds in charity shops and at garage sales then mix and match, but be picky. VOILA.
Alright... time to relaaaaaaaaaax and enjoy an afternoon tea myself since class this morning was extra intense (there are only three weeks of first year uni left! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Yeah, I'll write about more interesting things soon. School has taken over slightly you see... and I have this brand new husband to hang out with 24/7 which makes this the most FUN time of my life so far :)
ps: mark says that in a fight, coffee would kick tea's butt. I say no way hosea. You?