Sunday, June 20, 2010

The way you love her...

The way you love her leaves me speechless.
Boldly, unconditionally, uncontrollably for her best you strive.
At midnight, or just when Mr.Sun is waking, at noon time, and even golden hour in the evening...
you are Daddy, and you're her friend.
That means playing catchy Wiggles melody,
enforcing a routine 'toothbrushing'.
A bowl of noodles, a lipstick game, muddy puddles,
Shrek and ballet.
All of it is so much better when Daddy is in the room.
Your presence, your voice, your arms, and your grin,
sometimes no one else will do.
The way you love her rocks my world, gives me hope, keeps us close.
One day she'll say it helped her change the'll see :)
It's in her eyes when she looks at you, and the way she says your name.
You're beyond amazing, Mark.

Happy Fathers' Day!


mark said...

Ok, so now I'm sat crying at Michael's place with Bubby asleep on me. I love you honey. Thank you for honouring me and encouraging me. Thank you for being such a great wife and an amazing mommy to our little girl. You inspire me!


Sheena Rae said...

Now as I bawl my face off and wipe my tears I say so because the words are soo true!
You're amazing, Mark!
Happy Fathers' Day!