Tuesday, March 22, 2005


At last! Something in the field of technology did not let me down last night! It all started when I was in a restaurant with my parents. I had discovered that I could not only send pictures taken on my phone to Bethany´s email address, but I could also attach text, and even voice recordings for her to listen to later. I had quite successfully sent one of these messages the day before, so I thought that it would be a good idea to send another, this time with my parents saying hello too. and a good idea it was, until part way through the text part, the phone crashed and switched itself off. When I switched it back on, all the pictures I had ever taken on it were gone. All the ringtones I ever had sent to me or downloaded were gone. Pictures that people had sent me were gone. Even all the pictures, and ringtones that came with the phone had been erased. Fortunately, my phone book and diary were unaffected, but when I tried to send another email message, the WAP connection claimed to have never been set up. It was most frustrating.

Then, when I tried to blog last night, I had about 30 seconds left to publish my post. I clicked ´publish´, and suddenly the computer decided to go into slow mode. The screen went back to the ´put coins in´ screen before it had even got halfway. I was cursing all technological advances since the 50s at this point. I didn´t have any more coins to put in, and my parents were in bed, so I couldn´t go scrounge from them...

Anyway, I got downstairs this morning, and it seems that it published perfectly well, so I was worrying about nothing. I´m still taking my cell phone to the shop when I get back. Stupid Sony Ericsson.

Right. Today, we´re going to the Drach Caves in Porto Cristo. They´re meant to be pretty sweet. I´ll take some pictures and put them up on here when I get back. They should look suitably out of place next to the ones of Magaluf. My dad bought some sausages for breakfast this morning, but when he cooked them, we realised that they were the worst thing we´d ever eaten. Good job we brought the Weetabix - the Official Cereal of 16 Village Place...

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